Jesus is priceless.  No one else, no thing, no feeling or wishing can overcome our slow perishing and eventual death except Jesus. That is why celebrating his arrival is unique and special. Advent is the Church’s traditional way of anticipating his birth celebration each year. There is much to like about the busy Christmas season, but all of it  should eventually point us back to Jesus. Advent helps us slow down and connect to Jesus with the help of the Holy Spirit and the Bible. Our Advent devotions this year are mostly traditional Bible based readings that have connected people to Christ during the Christmas season for ages.




Sunday November 28

Isaiah 2:1-5

Psalms 121

A rescuer is coming!

Monday November 29

Romans 13:11-14

Matthew 24: 37-44

Be prepared and be watchful for your rescue


Tuesday November 30th

Isaiah 40:1-11

The Lord will gather his flock

Wednesday December 1st

Isaiah 52:7-10

 He will bless the feet of those who bring the news.

Thursday December 2nd

Genesis 3:1-15

The Protoevangelium or (God’s poetic statement of Saving Man)

Friday December 3rd

Genesis 15:1-18

The Abrahamic Covenant

Saturday December 4th

Deuteronomy 18:15-19, Psalm 89: 1-4

God will fulfill his covenant and send Jesus. Everyone must listen.

Sunday December 5th

Zechariah 6:12-13, Isaiah 11:1-10

There will be a branch from King David. That will be Jesus who will come and bring peace.

Monday December 6th

Micah 5:2-4, Malachi 3:1-6

Jesus will come from Bethlehem, and he will be also be a refiners fire.


Tuesday December 7th

 Deuteronomy 9: 4-6

Jesus will not come because we are worthy.

Wednesday December 8th

John 3: 16-21

Jesus will come for those who believe and respond to him.

Thursday December 9th

Mark 1:1-3, Luke 1:5-13

John the Baptist comes to cry out in the wilderness to prepare the way for Jesus.

Friday December 10th

Luke 1:13-25

John the Baptist birth

Saturday December 11th

Luke 1:57-66

John the Baptist birth

Sunday December 12th

Luke 1:67-80

John the Baptist prepares all of us for Jesus

Monday December 13th

Isaiah: 7:10-14, Isaiah 9:2-7

Unto us a Child (Jesus) will be born to a Virgin



Tuesday December 14th

Luke 1: 26-38

Good tidings of Jesus birth brought to Mary

Wednesday December 15th

Luke 1:39-45

Good tidings of Jesus birth brought to Mary


Thursday December 16th

Luke 1 46-56

Good tidings of Jesus birth brought to Mary

Friday December 17

Matthew 1:18-25

Good tidings of Jesus brought to Joseph

Saturday December 18th

Colossians 1:15-19, Galatians 4:4-9

Jesus is the image of the invisible God. He is the firstborn and was sent at the right time.

Sunday December 19th

2 Corinthians 8:1-9

Christ gave all and in response we should give all.

Monday December 20th

John 1:1-8

Who is Jesus.



Tuesday December 21st

John 1:9-18

The story of the Jesus birth.

Wednesday December 22nd

Luke 2: 1-9

The story of the Jesus birth.

Thursday December 23rd

Luke 2:10-20

The story of the Jesus birth.

Friday December 24th

Luke 2:21-35

Jesus is presented to the Lord.

Saturday December 25th

Matthew 2:1-14

The wisemen come to worship Jesus.