Do you have pictures sitting in your computer files you don’t know what to do with? Don’t toss out those Christmas picture cards from family, friends and acquaintances just yet. Start your Wonderful Book of People for this year today.
What is a Wonderful Book of People? It’s an unordered, loosely bound, “book” of the people in your life with a picture or drawing of each person, family, or group with a handwritten prayer. Simple!
Do I need one in the age of social media? Yes, social media is competitive, and competition is not good for prayer. It tends to compartmentalize people into categories, and it lines us up based on popularity. It marginalizes the not so witty and pretty. A Wonderful Book of People is not competitive and presents everyone as equal value. It looks at people more like God looks at us. That is without partiality.
That’s why it is unordered. Our friends, family, and future friends are put in the book “a bit” at random as they pop up into our life. (I do admit I have my wife first.) Typically, we tend and see our family and key friends as top priority, this is not necessarily bad because we have obligations to fulfill there. But God sees without preference. This approach helps us get a broader and less self-centered view of the people in our lives.
It is unpretentious. Scan in an old Christmas photo or take a recent snapshot from your camera or smart phone and drop it into a template, print it out, and write a prayer. We hand write the prayers to give it greater authenticity.
Why is it a book? Because we need more inspiring books! When God writes a book it is filled with hope despite all the problems caused by sin. This book stands against the “Prince of this World” to remind us of what is valuable. What is valuable is people created by god, redeemed by God, and especially those in need of the saving blood of Jesus Christ who died for them.
It loose leaf paper snapped into a folder. That way we can just keep adding onto it throughout the year as people come into our lives.
We are offering a simple idea and a very generic template. We hope your creativity will take it from there. Our desire is to help connect all of us to God and the people around us through prayer. Pass this idea on! Create your own templates and add one or two people a week to your book. Enjoy reflecting on and praying for the people God has placed in your life! Email us what you have done and any new ideas for this at:
The words of British poet Robert Abrahams say it well, “For some men die by shrapnel, And some go down in flames, But most men perish inch by inch, In play at little games.” Our goal is to identify the little games and put a stop to them and put the right weight on the right things.
The words of British poet Robert Abrahams say it well, “For some men die by shrapnel, And some go down in flames, But most men perish inch by inch, In play at little games.” Our goal is to identify the little games and put a stop to them and put the right weight on the right things.
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